Chapter Seven
Mace made quick work of washing up, then dressing, jerking on his pants and linen shirt. Nayla's paralyzed state of shock wouldn't last long, he was sure. She sat on the edge of her bed and stared at him with her forehead wrinkled and her lips parted, her palms braced on her knees.
He was glad she didn't fight him yet. After she fully realized his plan for her, it would be a different story. He would be taking her from her home, her friends, her country. Away from this comfortable life with servants and guards and into a life as a homeless drifter, out in the rugged elements.
As of this moment, he made an oath, swearing to himself he'd find some land and build her a worthy home. They'd be a family. She'd bear his children. Nothing else mattered as long as she was with him.
His actions were both selfish and necessary. He couldn't leave her here with her own councilman threatening to murder her. How many more wished to see her gone?
His other reasons were less transparent. Nayla had imbedded herself deep in his heart, he couldn't deny. The sting of seeing her dance with her ex-lover had reinforced his feelings. Leaving her behind wasn't an option.
"Mace?" Her soft voice gained his attention.
He wrung out a wet cloth in the basin and brought it to her, taking note of her puzzled stare.
"You have to tell me what's going on."
He swallowed the guilt eating at his gut. "First things first. Lay back and let me wash you. We've made a mess under your dress." He attempted to smile and fell short.
Hesitation flitted across her beautiful face, but she did as he asked and lifted her skirt.
Mace grew hard again at the sight of her creamy bare legs. He grasped her knees and spread them, revealing her pink folds and entrance, swollen from their love-making. With a tender touch, he wiped the inside of her thighs, removing the signs of their combined juices. The sight was so lovely, it was almost a shame to remove it. He'd thoroughly enjoyed claiming her pussy and her ass at the same time. Seeing how much it pleasured her had made him crave more and he looked forward to one day penetrating her sweet, tight ass with his cock.
If she'll ever agree to let me touch her again after I take her from her home.
He shoved that idea from his mind and swept the cloth down her mound to her pussy.
"Your pack is free," she said with a shaky voice she so clearly tried to hide. Even after what they'd just shared, he could still notice the fear under her facade. A facade he wanted to break down so he could see the real Nayla.
Mace tore his eyes from his work and was surprised to see her staring up at him with teary eyes. The Queen of Paqualette wasn't as tough as she let on. Though she quickly swiped the evidence away with the back of her hand.
"Yes, love, they are," he said.
"I--I'm happy for them. If they're anything like you..." Her voice faded.
"They're all good-hearted." He hoped she'd see that when she met them outside the dungeon walls in their wolf form.
Inhaling a breath, he finished cleaning her and then leaned down to press a kiss to her pretty mound. Every inch of her was beautiful. A swell of pride filled his chest at knowing Nayla was his. And would be his forever.
Whether she wanted him or not. He'd fight to keep her. He'd fight her entire country if need be. But something told him no one would come looking for her. The bastard, Fenton, would undoubtedly see to that.
She pushed the hem of her dress down and sat up on the bed. "I'm confused, Mace." Her voice broke so she cleared her throat and began again. "Are you leaving me? Is that what this is all about?"
God, didn't she understand? "No, sweetheart, I'm not leaving you. You're not safe here."
"Not safe? What do you mean by that?"
"Your Councilman Fenton has threatened to harm you if I leave without you."
"He what?"
"There's no time to discuss it now."
Her eyes widened, her mouth dropped open as realization overcame her face.
Here it goes. He must stay strong for them both.
"Nayla, I have no other choice. For your protection, I'm taking you with me. And we don't have time to spare. Fenton will be here in a matter of minutes."
"You want me to leave with you?" All color drained from her cheeks. "With your pack? Are you serious?"
"I am," he said as sternly as possible. He'd wasted too much time already. They couldn't stay here any longer. "Now we can walk calmly out the back of the keep together or, if you choose to fight me, I'll throw you over my shoulder and climb down the terrace. Which way do you prefer?"
"I'd rather we talk this through. There's no need for either of us to leave. You can stay here with me, forever. Your pack is free so you don't have to worry." She stood and cupped her soft hand to his jaw. "I want you to stay."
"I belong with my pack, Nayla." He swallowed the knot in his throat. "And you belong with me."
"No." She shook her head. "I'm sorry. I want you as my lover. I want to fall asleep in your arms every night and wake up to your voice." She pursed her lips and her brow creased, stubbornly. "But I cannot go with you, Mace. My country needs me. I can't simply disappear and leave them without a queen."
Heat rose up his neck as anger overtook him. If all she wanted him for was to be her pathetic WereSlave, she was in for a whopping surprise. He would prove to her he was more man than any of her precious humans. He'd find a way to provide for her, to keep her safe, to make her his mate.
He moved in closer to grab her waist.
She tried to step back but he tightened his grip. "What are you doing?"
"We're going down the terrace wall then. Fight me and you'll regret it."
* * * * *
Rain misted down through the trees as Nayla shivered and clung to Mace's neck, taking in as much heat from his body as she could. She'd fought him with every ounce of her energy before giving up. She'd kicked, punched, scratched and bit him but he hadn't showed any pain. He'd only held her tighter and quickened his pace. She'd been furious and frightened and he'd done nothing. He stayed emotionless and cold.
Now, as he ran through the thick forest side-by-side with his werewolves, her only hope was to survive. She knew firsthand what these Weres were capable of. With their large bodies, sharp teeth and fierce claws, there was no stopping the ferocious beasts. She thanked God Mace had remained in his human form. To carry her, she supposed, so she wouldn't escape.
Damn him. Why had she trusted him? She'd been foolish to not see this coming. Well, in the back of her mind, she knew he and his pack would find a way to free themselves. She'd expected that and had wanted it for them at times, when the idea of letting Mace go wasn't overwhelming. But she never thought Mace would force her to go with them.
What could he possibly expect from her? She was only human. How did he think she could live like this?
Another chill coursed through her numbed body and she trembled. She was soaking wet from the rain and the creeks and puddles Mace had run through in the past few hours.
She readjusted in his arms and stiffened her legs around his waist. She pressed her face to his warm neck and breathed in the heat emanating from his body. But it wasn't enough. The wind whipped at her back as he easily kept up his pace with the wolves.
"So cold," she whispered, hoping he'd take mercy on her. He'd ignored all of her pleas thus far.
"We're almost to our destination. Hang on." He surprised her by answering this time, his deep voice delivering a calming effect.
Damn it. He didn't deserve calm. He deserved her anger but a part of her was relieved she didn't have to say goodbye to him. Not when her heart longed for him and her body craved his touch. And she was too exhausted and miserable to work up anything other than a sigh of relief.
She gave in to the overwhelming urge and closed her eyes.
* * * * *
Panic pulsed at Mace's temples when Nayla grew limp in his arms. Hell. Had he pushed her too hard in this weather? He and his pack had run as far and as fast as they could from the castle and now, he slowed them to a stop at the outlying forest of Paqualette, deep in the valley, next to the river.
The sun was slowly rising over the horizon, giving them at least one more hour of the moon's energy, but this was as far as he'd take Nayla. She needed to get out of her wet clothes before hypothermia set in. If it hadn't already.
He swallowed his guilt and looked around for shelter. The base of a nearby bluff held a shallow, cave-like opening. It would have to work.
Kaige transformed to human form and approached. "Why do we stop? We still have the power of the moon."
His second-in-command was also his good friend, had been ever since Mace had rescued him from a Vampire slave ring. Kaige had had a torturous life before joining Mace's pack and sometimes it was difficult for his friend to fully give up control to the alpha.
That was when Mace needed to remind him who was in charge. "We stop because I say so," Mace snapped, not in the mood for Kaige's defiant ways. "Check the rock shelter over there for anything that may harm Nayla. I need to get her warm immediately."
"Why the human's so important to you is beyond me," Kaige said, but did as he was ordered. He turned back to wolf form and sniffed out the area.
Mace took that time to order the rest of his pack to hunt for food and start a fire. It would be a long day ahead of them. Then he placed Nayla on the ground and began removing her wet clothes.
Her lips were tinted blue but there was still a bit of color in her cheeks. Fuck. What had he been thinking? He was foolish not to bring extra clothing and necessities from her room. As it was, he worried if she'd have enough in her to survive the rest of the trek.
She stirred as he peeled the fabric from her shoulders. "What...?"
"Shhh. It's okay. I'm going to get you warm but I have to remove these wet clothes."
"The rain is stopping, Mace," Livia, one of the three female pack members, said from behind him. "I'll start the fire now."
"Thank you." Mace carefully finished removing Nayla's dress. Then he took off his own wet clothes and handed everything to Livia. "Could you please make sure these dry? She'll need it tonight."
Livia nodded with a deep frown on her face. "Will you be in trouble for stealing their precious Queen?"
"I didn't steal her. I saved her life." Mace picked Nayla up and held her to his chest. "She'll be my mate, so I'll expect you to respect her. Understood?" He didn't wait for an answer. His word was rule. Anyone who didn't like it could leave at any time and they all knew it.
"The shelter is ready," Kaige said, back in human form. His dark gaze roamed over Nayla's body. "Do you need help getting her warm?"
"Hell, no," Mace growled and pushed past him. In times of need, during the full moon, when the females in his pack craved attention, they'd all shared their bodies. But Mace had no intention of ever sharing Nayla.
Kaige chuckled. "Let me know if you change your mind."
Mace settled Nayla on the dry leafy ground in the shallow indenture of the rock shelter and spread out beside her. He gathered her to his body and rubbed her back, trying to warm her icy skin. "Nayla?" he whispered in her ear. "Wake up for a moment."
She stirred but didn't open her eyes.
"Please, wake up, love. I need to know you're okay." He kissed her chilled lips but she didn't respond. "Nayla." Another round of panic struck him. What had he done? Had he harmed his fragile human mate? God, it had only been a few hours since he'd taken her from her castle.
He continued to rub her skin, then molded to her body, wrapping his leg over her hip.
"Mace, I can't breathe," she murmured. "You're squishing me."
A huge sense of relief overcame him to hear her voice, so much so that he wanted to laugh out loud. But he maintained control, wanting to see if she was truly all right.
He brought his leg down and rested his forehead against hers. A thousand emotions collided as she opened her eyes and met his stare. The rising sun wasn't enough to fully illuminate the cave but he could make out the shape of her eyes and the curve of her petite nose and full lips. Beautiful.
How long until that face transformed to one of anger? Anger he deserved. How stupid he'd been to take her out into the harsh elements. He'd thought he'd been protecting her by forcing her from the castle. Instead, he might have done more damage than good.
"Are you all right, love?" he whispered as his heart filled with a passion he hadn't felt in years.
She didn't answer, allowing a torturous amount of time to pass while her gaze took in his expression and then the cave around them.
"Talk to me." He braced her cheeks and forced her to look at him again. "You have to believe I hadn't meant to harm you. I'd forgotten how feeble humans can be."
"Feeble?" A tiny smile twitched at her lips. "Is that your attempt to win me over with this plan of yours?" Her voice was still weak.
"I thought I'd lost you. I hate that I allowed this to happen."
"I'm fine, Mace. Just exhausted and cold. But I'm also upset. You were stubborn and you wouldn't listen to reason. I'm not one of your pack members and you're certainly not my leader."
There was the anger he was waiting for. Though he had to admit her words didn't sit well with him. "No, I'm not your leader." He kept his voice as even as possible. "But you are my woman, my mate. Let's not forget that."
She tensed in his arms. "I don't belong to anyone. Don't you forget that. And why am I naked?"
He stifled a growl. Obviously, she was gaining her strength back. Before he could respond, she shocked him by attempting to push him away.
To hell with that. He wouldn't be rejected by this woman he'd given his heart to. It had taken over a century to find her and he wasn't about to allow her to deny him.
* * * * *
Nayla shoved at his chest again but, of course, he wouldn't budge. He was solid steel. More than a man, he was a Were. A fact that surprisingly heated her insides. He was strong. Unrelenting. Powerful. Demanding. Untamable. And hers.
But would she allow herself to be tamed by him?
He grabbed her wrists and kept her from repeating the action, which infuriated her even more. How dare he try to confine her?
"Let me go right this instant, Mace Quinton."
"Not until we have this little argument settled," he said through gritted teeth. His bold blue eyes glinted with determination.
"There's nothing to settle." She jerked her hands in an attempt to escape but it was ineffective. He held her tight.
"Stop fighting me, Nayla. I want you and you will be mine. Outside your castle walls. Outside your country's watchful eyes. You will give in to me." He moved on top of her and wedged himself between her thighs.
Though her heart and body wanted to concede, her temper rose. She wouldn't be forced to do anything. She squirmed and kicked and nearly pulled her hands free.
"Stop." He readjusted his grip on her wrists and pinned them to the ground above her head. "Stop, Nayla." His voice softened as well as his expression. "I don't wish to fight you. You're weak from the trek and I'm deeply sorry for that. But this battle must end."
"I didn't start--"
"Nayla, love," he whispered in her ear so sweetly, she had to take in a breath.
"I'm listening."
"Let me have you. Please."
Her heart drummed a beat so loud it reached her head. He was right. She was too tired to fight. And a large part of her didn't want to anymore.
Not when his warm lips pressed against her neck. Not when his tongue licked her thumping pulse. Certainly not when the weight of his cock sat solidly against her pussy, making her body react. Wetness pooled between her thighs and her nerves tingled with anticipation.
One glance around the cave assured her no one could see them from the outside. They had their privacy, their own hideaway. There was no one to witness her submission. No one to see the Queen yielding to her WereSlave.
WereSlave? Huh. Funny how she no longer liked that term. It didn't suit Mace. Not even close. He'd warned her from the start he wouldn't be her slave. How naive she was not to believe him.
Perspiration moistened her cheeks and she was surprised to find heat had taken the place of cold, warming her from her bones to her fevered skin. She heaved out a sigh and relaxed her body, letting her heart have its way, if only for a moment. A glimpse of a life with Mace as her husband flittered through her mind. It was a mere fantasy, she knew, but God help her if she didn't fall in love with the idea. No matter how hard she fought her feelings, deep down she wanted to be Mace's wife. His partner. She wanted to lay with him at the end of the day, knowing their lives would forever be entwined. He would be hers and she his. And no one and nothing would stand in their way. Together, they could be a force to be reckoned with.
If only she weren't a Queen, responsible for her country and he a drifting Were, responsible for his pack. If only they could have a common path.
His mouth traveled down her chest, licking and kissing a heated trail to her swollen breast. The long locks of his hair, still damp from the rain, prickled her skin with its skimming touch. She hissed in a breath as his lips brushed her nipple. It beaded so painfully tight she swore it would burst if he didn't give it his attention. When he drew the nub into his hot mouth, a sharp surge of warmth shot straight to her pussy and she bit into her lip to keep from screaming.
She watched his handsome face as he sucked on her bosom with a hungry eagerness. His tanned face was slightly stubbled, softly scratching her pale flesh. The angle of his strong jaw tensed as he drew her harder into his mouth. How had she ended up here with this god of a man appreciating her body? Was it luck or misfortune? She didn't want to know.
His grip loosened on her wrists, freeing her, as he edged down her body. Moist, firm lips seared her belly then moved lower to gently kiss her mound. A low growl rumbled from his throat, reverberating across her body. She shivered at the mixture of aggression and tenderness, as if he were having a difficult time containing his lust.
"I'm so hungry for you," he said in a deep, penetrating voice that she felt from her ears down to her aching pussy. His tongue slipped through her folds to taste her clitoris.
"Ah." She arched her back and spread her legs wide, needing so much more.
"Is this what you want, love? For me to fuck you with my mouth?"
"Yes." She gulped and attempted to calm her breathing.
"Yes, what?" He flicked her with another teasing lick.
Damn him. Did he want to see her beg?
Fine. Whatever it took.
"Yes, I've never wanted you more. Please, I beg you."
"Ah, love, you don't need to beg." He hit her with one of his devastating smiles. "You just need to desire it, that's all. Now, lay your head back. I'm going to make you feel so good you'll forget where we are."
She didn't dare argue. She dropped her head onto the hard ground and waited for the pleasure she'd grown accustomed to receiving from this man. A pleasure she never wanted to lose.
He gripped her waist and tilted her hips up for a better view. His breath was hot against her flesh as he breathed in her scent. She loved that he used his senses when making love to her. How he took the time to linger and enjoy her body. To be desired so thoroughly, so intensely, made her inhibitions dissolve.
Give in to him? Let him have her? Did she even have a choice?
She loved him. She loved everything about him.
He spread her folds with his thumbs and dragged his tongue along her pussy to her clitoris. Once, twice and again. Then he flicked it along the sensitive nub, driving her mad. The tingling sensation built up in her core. She dug her heels into the dirt and arched up higher. Whimpers escaped her lips as he slanted his tongue into her pussy and firmly fucked her entrance.
"Ah, Mace. You're so good." She clasped her hands over her breasts and massaged the soft mounds, pinching her nipples.
"That's it, Nayla. Pleasure yourself." He eased her bottom onto the ground and moved over her. The heat of his body covered her as his mouth found hers. His kiss was lusty and urgent, as was her response. She sucked his tongue into her mouth, tasting her own earthy flavor mixed with his natural enchanting essence. The combination was something to savor. Heavenly. Addictive.
His cock pressed against her ripe pussy. He slid it along her center, teasing and tempting.
"Please, fuck me, Mace." She reached up to push his damp hair behind his ears so she could clearly see his face. His leaden eyes stared back at her. The brilliant blue irises flickered with a promise of ecstasy while his lips curved into a devilish half-smile.
"Give me your hand." He grasped her palm and sat up briefly, moving her hand between her thighs. "I want you to feel me making love to you."
Nayla knew all too well what he was up to. He was taking delight in mesmerizing his prey. He wanted her to feel the tangible evidence of her giving in to him outside her castle walls. He was taking her on his terms, in his arena and having a wicked time of it too.
And she didn't give a damn.
Her mind was floating somewhere above them, useless, while her body and heart took charge. She cupped her mound and allowed her fingers to bracket her pussy's entry. His hardened shaft was silky and firm as it slid into her oh-so slowly, her fingers brushing the texture of him and her slick channel taking him in inch by inch.
He filled her completely until his tightened testicles pressed against the back of her fingers. Her pussy wept with joy at having him inside her so fully. He prodded her innermost wall and her womb reacted, spiraling and coiling. Heating and sparking every one of her nerves.
"Mace," she moaned. "Oh, God."
"Yes, love. Let me know how it feels. Give me all of yourself."
She slid her other hand down his back to his firm ass and squeezed. "You can have me. Just, please, continue."
He chuckled and kissed her lips. Then slowly eased his cock from her pussy. Her fingers grazed his slippery hard shaft and she could almost swear he pulsated against her touch. He pulled out until she felt the ridge of his head, then he drove back in, faster this time.
"Do you like how I feel when I'm fucking you, Nayla?" His voice was rough, wild.
"Yes," she said, breathless, her body humming. "I love it. I want more." She dug her nails into his backside, urging him to continue.
"Of course." He tugged her arms up and pinned her hands above her head again.
Any protest she might have had scrambled away as he began pumping into her quivering pussy. The spiraling orgasm that had begun came back with a vengeance as he glided into her welcoming channel. She clenched down on his erection as he entered her, indulging in how his cock curved in just so. Up and out, in and down. He hit her G-spot over and over, winding her insides.
Her breath came in pants. "Yes. Oh, God, yes!"
She wrapped her legs around his and met his thrusts, earning her a feral groan from deep in his chest. Her hips ground against him and a raging storm rolled through her from the back of her eyelids to her core. Lightning pinpricked her nerves and her womb melted. She felt her body tense then slack as she rode the tantalizing currents.
He shuddered as he came into her, pushing her through one last crashing wave. She crumpled onto the ground and smiled, almost laughed, at how her body liquefied under his command.
"My mate." He nuzzled into her neck. "You smell delicious after you cum. Did you know that?" His eyes were closed as he crawled down her body, his nose and lips grazing her skin.
"What are you doing, silly?" She giggled yet struggled to keep her eyes open. The exhaustion had taken its toll, along with the exquisite orgasm Mace had just given her. But she wanted to stay awake, to savor this moment before the harsh reality took its place.
"Just want a taste of you. My dessert, if you will."
She laughed and her heart swelled. No, there was no doubting her love for him.
His warm tongue lapped at her pussy, licking their tangible passion as if it were the finest chocolate. Delightful aftershocks tingled at her core and she sighed with contentment.
"Mmm," he murmured and moved a little lower, shocking her. His tongue teased her sensitive anus, flicking and laving at her entrance.
A new and fabulous sensation built in her center and any self-conscious thoughts fizzled. "Mace," she said, holding back a whimper. "Do you want me there?"
He kissed her responsive flesh before smiling up at her. "Yes, very much so. But not today. You need your rest."
She bit back her disappointment. "Will you lay with me?"
"I will. Until you fall asleep." He moved to spread out next to her. His strong arm held her close.
She snuggled up against his steely body, feeling safe in his arms. For now.